Friday, February 12, 2010

Back To The Basics: Getting Clear Skin From The Inside, First.

Tips included in this post
-Cold showers
-Body buffers

Ok, so before we even start getting into make-up, skin care products, and all that other good stuff I think we should go back to the basics of skin care. What kind of lifestyle promotes healthy skin?
Its no secret that exercise helps you to lose weight, tone up, and stay fit. But what you may not know is that It can be incredibly benificial for your skin as well, especially if it is prone to acne. David Berman, MD, medical director and dermatologic/cosmetic surgeon at the Berman Skin Institute says :
"There's a lot of indirect evidence that shows that when you exercise your level of stress diminishes. So your adrenal glands are producing less of these male-type hormones that are part of any acne flare-up,"
Although we dont know the main cause for acne it is probably a well known fact that overactive hormones can aide in acne flare ups. So by decreasing their release you can make steps into helping to clear up your face, with the added benifit of realeasing those much needed "good-feeling" hormones while you exercise.

Exercise not only helps with acne, but all of us who suffer from those annoying blackheads and white heads (ugh!). When you sweat your pores are being cleansed from the inside out, helping to further clear your skin (with the proper cleaning habits right after you work out to prevent the opposite effect).
This bring us to the dreaded cold showers. After you have showered with the regular warm water (not hot as this will dry out your skin) to open up your pores and get them squeaky clean, turn the water to cold and let it close your pores right back up. This helps to tighten your pores and prevents things like lotions etc. from cloggin them. You might hate it but it works!

The Next step for getting happy skin is moisturize. I cant say this enough; MOISTURIZE! Dry skin can crack, leading to a red, flakey, irritated epidermis(outer layer of skin). Moisturizer can soothe your skin and provide nutrient and hydration. It is best to put on moisturizer right out of the shower so it can retain some of the hydration already present in your skin. I recomend an oil free, light lotion for your body(dove, neutrogena), and face. Biore is my personal fave in the face dept., and even helps clear pores! neutrogena is also pretty good.

Biore Nourish Moisture Lotion (start around 10$ at your local drugstore)

Also if you have really stubborn skin ive found a wonderful product:
The Ultimate Buffing Cloth- Dermalogica ($12 at

This exfoliating cloth is designed after a product from the Japanese spas. This product is a hygienic exfoliating cloth that is used to buff and polish the body to a silky soft touch. This cloth rids the body of rough skin in hard to reach places. This cloth does not contain any artificial fragrances or colors.

-Whether your a guy or gal you are going to love this! After one use it made my skin feel like silk. I really recomend this product to anyone, and how can you beat that price?

Thank you for reading and I really hope this article helped you all, and to futher your knowledge on exercise and your skin, or any other health topics you can visit
So what do you think?

Next time:

How to get clear skin no matter what your skin type-

we will talk about skin care products, and i will be introducing some of my favorites. Also what kinds of food are good for your skin:)

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